
Arrays with named / labeled axes

ndarrays extended to have an explicit “hypercross” of axes, each with names (possibly defaulted).

  • for methods in which an “axis” is denoted, an axis name may be used

  • indexing/slicing along a named axis returns that slicing, at that axis, along with slice(None) slicing along all other axes

  • for all arithmetic/binary-op matters under which dimension numbers and lengths must match, also the hypercrosses must be consistent

  • broadcasting will “inherit” labels from the super-hyper-cross (see np.broadcast)

  • padding dimensions will insert “dummy” dimensions, eg:

    a = datarray( np.random.randn(10,10), ('time', 'temp') )
    a[:,None,:].axes --> ('time', None, 'temp')
  • axes may be transposed

Arrays with named axes, whose named axes have ticks

each named axis has tick labels

  • numpy, fancy and slice-like indexing on each axis:

    --> does any kind of numpy indexing on the axis *args )
    --> returns essentially "fancy" indexing along the axis, at valid ticks in args
    x.named_axis.t_slice( start, stop, [step])
    --> where arguments are valid ticks, performs a slicing-like operation along the axis
  • mixed indexing on the array: *args )
    --> len(args) <= x.ndim -- for each indexing spec in args, perform that indexing
           on the enumerated axes
    x.t_slice( *args )
    --> same as above, but perform t_slice slicing on the enumerated axes

Lessons Learned

“Smart” Indexing

The smart indexing implemented by Larry is very full featured. I believe the design of using lists to separating labels from integers in mixed indexing is a good choice (and necessary). However, I think it illustrates the potential confusion created by mixed indexing and is a good argument for discouraging/not allowing it.

“Smart” Arithmetic

  • Larry makes attempts to align its arrays when performing arithmetic, so as to operate on identical coordinates.
  • It also might introduce intersections between arrays.
  • It does not broadcast


Axis Slicing

Use Case: chained axis slicing

slicing on an axis returns a new DataArray:

arr = DataArray(np.random.randn(10,10), labels=('time', 'freq'))
arr.axis.time[:5] --> new DataArray with (time, freq) axes

However, slicing on the special slicing object “aix” returns a new Special Tuple (stuple).


  • is len-N, for ND arrays
  • only one entry is (potentially) not slice(None)
  • has knowledge of its own index
  • has knowledge of other axes (static or dynamically generated attributes)
  • can be composed with other stuples in a special way (??) –
s1 --> ( slice(0,4), slice(None) )
s2 --> ( slice(None), slice(3,10) )
s1 <compose> s2 --> ( slice(0,4), slice(3,10) )
  • can be given a “parent” stuple when constructed, into which the new stuple merges its own slicing in __getitem__

Constructor prototype:

def __init__(self, *args, parent=None, index=None, name=None) ??

To chain slicing, the syntax would be like this:

arr[ arr.aix.time[:4].freq[3:8] ]

Chaining an axis on itself will not be implemented yet (possibly ever):

arr.aix.time[:4].time[:2] --> raise error