====== Issues ====== Questions and issues about the datarray prototype. .. contents:: Ticks ===== Ticks are a relatively new addition to datarrays. The labels of a datarrays identify the axes of the array. The ticks of a datarray identify the elements along an axis. Both labels and ticks are optional. Axis._tick_dict is not updated when ticks are changed """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Example:: >> dar = DataArray([1, 2], [('time', ['A', 'B'])]) >> dar.axis.time._tick_dict {'A': 0, 'B': 1} >> dar.axis.time.ticks[0] = 'X' >> dar.axis.time.ticks ['X', 'B'] >> dar.axis.time._tick_dict {'A': 0, 'B': 1} Possible solutions: #. Don't allow ticks to be changed #. Only allow ticks to be changed through a method that also updates _tick_dict #. Don't store _tick_dict, create on the fly as needed pandas, I believe, makes the ticks immutable (#1). larry allows the ticks to be changed and calculates the mapping dict on the fly (#3). Can I have ticks without labels? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I'd like to use ticks without labels. At the moment that is not possible:: >>> DataArray([1, 2], [(None, ('a', 'b'))]) ValueError: ticks only supported when Axis has a label Well, it is possible:: >>> dar = DataArray([1, 2], [('tmp', ('a', 'b'))]) >>> dar.set_label(0, None) >>> dar.axes (Axis(label=None, index=0, ticks=('a', 'b')),) Add a ticks input parameter? """""""""""""""""""""""""""" What do you think of adding a ``ticks`` parameter to DataArray? Current behavior:: >>> dar = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], (('row', ['A','B']), ('col', ['C', 'D']))) >>> dar.axes (Axis(label='row', index=0, ticks=['A', 'B']),  Axis(label='col', index=1, ticks=['C', 'D'])) Proposed ticks as separate input parameter:: >>> DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], labels=('row', 'col'), ticks=[['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]) I think this would make it easier for new users to construct a DataArray with ticks just from looking at the DataArray signature. It would match the signature of Axis. My use case is to use ticks only and not names axes (at first), so:: >>> DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ticks=[['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]) instead of the current:: >>> DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ((None, ['A','B']), (None, ['C', 'D']))) It might also cause less typos (parentheses matching) at the command line. Having separate labels and ticks input parameters would also leave the option open to allow any hashable object, like a tuple, to be used as a label. Currently tuples have a special meaning, the (labels, ticks) tuple. Create Axis._tick_dict when needed? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How about creating Axis._tick_dict on the fly when needed (but not saving it)? **Pros** - Faster datarray creation (it does look like you get _tick_dict for free since you need to check that the ticks are unique anyway, but set() is faster) - Faster datarray copy - Use less memory - Easier to archive - Simplify Axis - Prevent user from doing ``dar.axes[0]._tick_dict['a'] = 10`` - Catches (on calls to ``make_slice`` and ``keep``) user mischief like dar.axes[0].ticks = ('a', 'a') - No need to update Axis._tick_dict when user changes ticks **Cons** - Slower ``make_slice`` - Slower ``keep`` Axis, axes ========== Datarrays were created from the need to label the axes of a numpy array. datarray1 + datarrat2 = which axes? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Which axes are returned by binary operations? Make two datarrays:: >> dar1 = DataArray([1, 2], [('time', ['A1', 'B1'])]) >> dar2 = DataArray([1, 2], [('time', ['A2', 'B2'])]) ``dar1`` on the left-hand side:: >> dar12 = dar1 + dar2 >> dar12.axes (Axis(label='time', index=0, ticks=['A1', 'B1']),) ``dar1`` on the right-hand side:: >> dar21 = dar2 + dar1 >> dar21.axes (Axis(label='time', index=0, ticks=['A2', 'B2']),) So a binary operation returns the axes from the left-hand side? No. Seems the left most non-None axes are used:: >> dar3 = DataArray([1, 2]) >> dar31 = dar3 + dar1 >> dar31.axes (Axis(label='time', index=0, ticks=['A1', 'B1']),) So binary operation may returns parts of both axes:: >> dar1 = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [None, ('col', ['A', 'B'])]) >> dar2 = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [('row', ['a', 'b']), None]) >> dar12 = dar1 + dar2 >> dar12.axes (Axis(label='row', index=0, ticks=['a', 'b']), Axis(label='col', index=1, ticks=['A', 'B'])) Is that the intended behavior? Why does Axis.__eq__ require the index to be equal? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Example:: >> dar1 = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [('row', ['r0', 'r1']), ('col', ['c0', 'c1'])]) >> dar2 = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [('col', ['c0', 'c1']), ('row', ['r0', 'r1'])]) >> dar1.axes[0] == dar2.axes[1] False Axis, axis, axes """""""""""""""" The functions, classes, and methods that take care of axes are: - Axis (class) - DataArray.axis (meth) - DataArray.axes (meth) - _reordered_axes (func) - _expand_ellipsis (func) - _make_singleton_axes (func) I find having both DataArray.axis and DataArray.axes confusing at first. I wonder if it would simplify things if there was only: - Axes (class) - Data.axes (instance of Axes) That would consolidate everything in the Axes class. For example, in DataArray.__getitem__ this:: if isinstance(key, tuple): old_shape = self.shape old_axes = self.axes new_shape, new_axes, key = _make_singleton_axes(self, key) # Will undo this later self.shape = new_shape _set_axes(self, new_axes) # data is accessed recursively, starting with # the full array arr = self # We must copy of the names of the axes # before looping through the elements of key, # as the index of a given axis may change. names = [a.name for a in self.axes] # If an Axis gets sliced out entirely, then any following # unlabeled Axis in the array will spontaneously change name. # So anticipate the name change here. reduction = 0 adjustments = [] for k in key: adjustments.append(reduction) if not isinstance(k, slice): # reduce the idx # on the remaining default labels reduction -= 1 names = [n if a.label else '_%d'%(a.index+r) for n, a, r in zip(names, self.axes, adjustments)] for slice_or_int, name in zip(key, names): arr = arr.axis[name][slice_or_int] # restore old shape and axes self.shape = old_shape _set_axes(self, old_axes) could be replaces with :: if isinstance(key, tuple): self.axes = self.axes[key] So it would pull out the axes logic from DataArray and place it in Axes. Should DataArray.axes be a list instead of a tuple? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Why not make DataArrya.axes a list instead of a tuple? Then user can replace an axis from one datarray to another, can pop an Axis, etc. Can axis labels be anything besides None or str? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" from http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/wiki/NdarrayWithNamedAxes: "Axis labels (the name of a dimension) must be valid Python identifiers." I don't know what that means. It would be nice if axis labels could be anything hashable like str, datetime.date(), int, tuple. But labels must be strings to do indexing like this:: >>> dar = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], (('row', ['A','B']), ('col', ['C', 'D']))) >>> dar.axis.row['A'] DataArray([1, 2]) ('col',) One way to make it work would be to rewrite the above as:: >>> dar.axis['row']['A'] DataArray([1, 2]) ('col',) which would also make it easier to loop through the axes by name:: >>> for axisname in ['row', col']: ....: dar.axis[axisname][idx] ....: ... Performance =========== Performance is not the primary concern during the prototype phase of datarray. But some attention to performance issue will help guide the development of datarrays. How long does it take to create a datarray? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Set up data:: >> import numpy as np >> N = 100 >> arr = np.random.rand(N, N) >> idx1 = map(str, range(N)) >> idx2 = map(str, range(N)) Time the creation of a datarray:: >> from datarray import DataArray >> import datarray >> labels = [('row', idx1), ('col', idx2)] >> timeit datarray.DataArray(arr, labels) 1000 loops, best of 3: 160 us per loop Time the creation of a pandas DataMatrix. A DataMatrix it is also a subclass of numpy's ndarray, but it has been optimized so should be a proxy for how fast a datarray can become:: >> import pandas >> timeit pandas.DataMatrix(arr, idx1, idx2) 10000 loops, best of 3: 50.7 us per loop larry is not a subclass of numpy's ndarray, I think that is one reason it is faster to create:: >> import la >> label = [idx1, idx2] >> timeit la.larry(arr, label) 100000 loops, best of 3: 13.5 us per loop >> timeit la.larry(arr, label, integrity=False) 1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.25 us per loop Also both datarray and DataMatrix make a mapping dictionary when the data object is created---that takes time. larry makes a mapping dictionary on the fly, when needed. Why is the time to create a datarray important? Because even an operation as simple as ``dar1 + dar2`` creates a datarray. Direct access to array? """"""""""""""""""""""" Labels and ticks add overhead. Sometimes, after aligning my datarrays, I would like to work directly with the numpy arrays. Is there a way to do that with datarrays? For example, with a labeled array, `larry `_, the underlying numpy array is always accessable as the attribute ``x``:: >>> import la >>> lar = la.larry([1, 2, 3]) >>> lar.x array([1, 2, 3]) >>> lar.x = myfunc(lar.x) This might be one solution (base):: >> from datarray import DataArray >> x = DataArray([[1,2],[3,4]], [('row', ['r1', 'r2']), ('col', ['c1', 'c2'])]) >> timeit x + x 10000 loops, best of 3: 61.4 us per loop >> timeit x.base + x.base 100000 loops, best of 3: 2.16 us per loop and:: >> x = DataArray([1, 2]) >> x.base[0] = 9 >> x DataArray([9, 2]) (None,) But base is not gauranteed to be a view. What's another solution? Could create an attribute at init time, but that slows down init. Alignment ========= Datarray may not handle alignment directly. But some users of datarrays would like an easy way to align datarrays. Support for alignment? """""""""""""""""""""" Will datarray provide any support for those who want binary operations between two datarrays to join labels or ticks using various join methods? `A use case `_ from `larry `_: By default, binary operations between two larrys use an inner join of the labels (the intersection of the labels):: >>> lar1 = larry([1, 2]) >>> lar2 = larry([1, 2, 3]) >>> lar1 + lar2 label_0 0 1 x array([2, 4]) The sum of two larrys using an outer join (union of the labels):: >>> la.add(lar1, lar2, join='outer') label_0 0 1 2 x array([ 2., 4., NaN]) The available join methods are inner, outer, left, right, and list. If the join method is specified as a list then the first element in the list is the join method for axis=0, the second element is the join method for axis=1, and so on. How can datarrays be aligned? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" What's an outer join (or inner, left, right) along an axis of two datarrays if one datarray has ticks and the other doesn't? Background: It is often useful to align two datarrays before performing binary operations such as +, -, *, /. Two datarrays are aligned when both datarrays have the same labels and ticks along all axes. Aligned:: >> dar1 = DataArray([1, 2]) >> dar2 = DataArray([3, 4]) >> dar1.axes == dar2.axes True Unaligned:: >> dar1 = DataArray([1, 2], labels=("time",)) >> dar2 = DataArray([3, 4], labels=("distance",)) >> dar1.axes == dar2.axes False Unaligned but returns aligned since Axis.__eq__ doesn't (yet) check for equality of ticks:: >> dar1 = DataArray([1, 2], labels=[("time", ['A', 'B'])]) >> dar2 = DataArray([1, 2], labels=[("time", ['A', 'different'])]) >> dar1.axes == dar2.axes True Let's say we make an add function with user control of the join method:: >>> add(dar1, dar2, join='outer') Since datarray allows empty axis labels (None) and ticks (None), what does an outer join mean if dar1 has ticks but dar2 doesn't:: >>> dar1 = DataArray([1, 2], labels=[("time", ['A', 'B'])]) >>> dar2 = DataArray([1, 2], labels=[("time",)]) What would the following return? :: >>> add(dar1, dar2, join='outer') larry requires all axes to have ticks, if none are given then the ticks default to range(n). datarray.reshape """""""""""""""" Reshape operations scramble labels and ticks. Some numpy functions and array methods use reshape. Should reshape convert a datarray to an array? Looks like datarray will need unit tests for every numpy function and array method. Misc ==== Miscellaneous observation on datarrays. How do I save a datarray in HDF5 using h5py? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" `h5py `_, which stores data in HDF5 format, can only save numpy arrays. What are the parts of a datarray that need to be saved? And can they be stored as numpy arrays? A datarray can be broken down to the following components: - data (store directly as numpy array) - labels (store as object array since it contains None and str and covert back on load?) - ticks (each axis stored as numpy array with axis number stored as HDF5 Dataset attribute, but then ticks along any one axis must be homogenous in dtype) - Dictionary of tick index mappings (ignore, recreate on load) (I need to write a function that saves an Axis object to HDF5.) If I don't save Axis._tick_dict, would I have to worry about a user changing the mapping? :: >>> dar.axes[0] Axis(label='one', index=0, ticks=('a', 'b')) >>> dar.axes[0]._tick_dict {'a': 0, 'b': 1} >>> dar.axes[0]._tick_dict['a'] = 10 >>> dar.axes[0]._tick_dict {'a': 10, 'b': 1} Can labels and ticks be changed? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Ticks can be changed:: >>> dar = DataArray([1, 2], [('row', ['A','B'])]) >>> dar.axes (Axis(label='row', index=0, ticks=['A', 'B']),) >>> dar.axes[0].ticks[0] = 'CHANGED' >>> dar.axes (Axis(label='row', index=0, ticks=['CHANGED', 'B']),) But Axis._tick_dict is not updated when user changes ticks. And so can labels:: >>> dar.set_label(0, 'new label') >>> dar DataArray([1, 2]) ('new label',)